C Program to find factorial of a number using call by reference
In this program, You will learn how to find a factorial of a number using a call by Reference in c. Example: How to find factorial of a number using call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to find a factorial of a number using a call by Reference in c. Example: How to find factorial of a number using call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to swap two numbers without using a third variable with a call by reference in c. Example: How to swap two numbers without using a third variable with a call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to swap two numbers using a call by reference in c. Example: How to swap two numbers using call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to check number is even or odd using call by reference in c. Example: How to check number is even or odd using call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to add two numbers using call by reference in C. Example: How to add two numbers using call by reference in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to check number is a palindrome or not using pointers in c. Example: How to check number is a palindrome or not using pointers in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to reverse a number using pointers in C. Example: How to reverse a number using pointers in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to swap two numbers using pointers in c. Example: How to swap two numbers using pointers in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to add two numbers using pointers in c. Example: How to add two numbers using pointers in c. Output:
In this program, You will learn how to find saddle point in a matrix in C. Example: How to find saddle point in a matrix in c. Output: