C++ Program to use Different Formats of type casting and display the converted values
In this program, You will learn how to use Different Formats of type casting and display the converted values in C++.
In this program, You will learn how to use Different Formats of type casting and display the converted values in C++.
int x = 10;
char ch = char(x);
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 66;
float f = 3.4;
double d = 67.89;
char c = 'd';
cout << " int in char Format is :" << char(a);
cout << "\n float in int Format is :" << int(f);
cout << "\n double in char Format is :" << char(d);
cout << "\n char in int Format is :" << int(c);
return 0;
int in char Format is :B
float in int Format is :3
double in char Format is :C
char in int Format is :100